Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Oklahoma Goose Hunt 2012

Dan and I headed to Oklahoma to hunt with my brother at his club.  It was the best goose hunt either of us have ever been on and we can't wait to go back next year.  It was literally unbelievable!

Groceries for the weekend, pork, pork, and pecan pies!  Didn't get a pic of the finished pork butts they were so good.

The Grey Ghost went over 280K!

Morning result.

Dan trying to smile and keep the dirt out of his eyes, ears, mouth...  We were getting pelted by dirt right in the face by a 25-30 mph wind!  I'm still getting it out of my teeth.

The view from inside the pit.

Craig holding up the double band.

A little mist finally settled the dirt in the afternoon but it turned to rain and toasted my phone that had fallen out of the truck when I opened a gate.

We busted on a duck hunt Saturday morning and my phone was still out of commission so no pics either.  Sunday morning my phone decided to work enough to get some pics and video.  Enjoy!

Here's a video to put it all together.

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