Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Midway Bottom Pasture Dec. 6th, 7th and 13th

I hunted a morning and a couple evenings but had no luck.  I saw one doe for about 30 seconds at 400 yards and had a buddy shoot a hog but we never made a recovery.

RR crew set up shop and went to work on the tracks next to the field I was hunting one morning.  The trains normally don't bother the deer but a few guys out yelling and blowing warning horns will...


During some down time I mounted a turkey fan and beard my brother shot in OK last year.  Also always checking feeders, this one needed a new battery.

Another evening in the stand.  I should have brought my shotgun instead of rifle.  There were three trees filled with 50 plus dove in the bottom pasture by the water tank.  I know where to go when dove opens again in a few days!

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