Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Golf and Fishing

Been a while since my last post. New baby Jake keeping me up all hours and after taking care of him, working for clients, and keeping things up around the house, been too tired to put together even a simple post. The good news is that he is almost 8 weeks old and starting to sleep 5-6 hours straight at night and more quiet during the day.

To keep sane, I have been able to play a couple rounds of golf with friends and clients, and even shot the low gross score of 56 with a 4 man scramble at the Travis Lynch Memorial Golf Tournament. I was a late entry and got grouped up with another single and a pair whose partners could not make it. Unfortunately it was scored with the "Peoria", or "Bankers" scoring so our net score after adding strokes for being bad asses was 65. Can't win them all. We called it "Pelosi" scoring since they were trying to make everything equal by redistributing the strokes. Next year there will be a bracket for the low gross score, not just the handicapped system. We played well, had a great time, and plan to play again next year on the same team.

My parents came down to help with Jake so we took him on a small road trip to the deer lease in Fredericksburg for the first time. We had some good German food at The Auslander in town, then met up with my buddy Ian and his son JB to fill feeders and do some general maintenance. Been getting decent rain so there is lots of forage for the deer to feed on. That with our new protein feeders should help antler growth this year.

Fishing - Finally got out and did some fishing on the power plant lakes Southeast of town. Caught a whole mess of catfish, which have a made a couple great meals. Good eatin! My brother came in town so we went two days in a row. In addition to the cats, we found some Stripers and Redfish. We found one area that was holding lots of small Reds. We tied on rattletraps and caught over 50 in about an hour. No keepers, but lots of fun.

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