Saturday, March 20, 2010

Brush Piles

I've been wanting to build some of these for a while and finally got creative and found some supplies. Should be a cost effective way of adding snag free fishable cover and protection for forage fish to help out the bass and crappie in our ponds. They were actually very easy to make and pretty cheap too. I made five different versions to see which would work the best.

1/2 inch SilverLine polyethylene pipe

Should be better and easier to fish than a tree top!

For the bases I used some polyethylene planters, trash can lid, and water heater pan. Total for all supplies was $62 plus a couple hours of work today.

This crappie came out of the pond these will go into. I'll also be stocking lots of fathead minnows so the forage base can be built up to support the large number of crappie. Right now we catch and keep 25 smaller than your hand before catching a good eater or monster like this. Hopefully with continued harvest and the addition of these brush piles and minnows we can increase the average size.

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