Sunday, February 14, 2016

Oklahoma Geese 2016

We headed to Oklahoma to hunt my brother's place for geese and had a great time! The bird volume was less than a couple years ago but we still smoked em!

We shot 25 Friday and Saturday morning and blanked Sunday morning...

Dan had a small issue cleaning birds, but luckily I was there to provide LCO First Aid!

Steak dinner.

Saturday morning we got to hunt in the snow.

Managed one band for the weekend. Details about the band are pending but it was definitely on an old bird.

Headed to the lodge pond for beers, fireball and maybe some ducks...

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cozad Pheasant Hunt 2015

As usual lots of hijinks but they did have lots of rain before we arrrived and we got our money's worth out of the minivans and every other vehicle,,, It's all worth it for the incredible sunsets!

Great time as usual!

Flood #2

The water ripped blacktop off the Lilly Creek bridge and started to wash it out.

I've never seen water this high! About 4ft up the legs of this deer stand and over all the fences.

Wimberley Xmas and MLK Ducks

I headed to Wimberley Christmas Day. We had a fair hunt but great time with lots of target practice!

Smoked a jake on the way in to the last afternoon hunt. Got thunder-stormed out of the stand later that afternoon. 

I wonder what this guy's been eating???

Back home on MLK. Quick hunt on the duck pond. ETEX Limit - 3 Spoonies, 2 Teal, 1 Ninja.


What do you do when half your ground in underwater and there's a beaver lodge in your duck blind...go to Sand Pond with the kids for a weekend...

Yup, still raining.

At least there's some specialty beer to drink...

Breakfast at camp since someone left the stove and propane in the Rhino...

Jetter and Baker boys picking ducks.

Setting beaver traps.

Best meat pie and yoohoo anywhere!

Water, water, everywhere...

Two major storms plus continued rains have flooded everything...

And big trees are down all over.

It's been so wet, seed is sprouting on the head...

Oops! I didn't get pics but this skidder had water in the cab later in the year!

I've seen a few but never killed. This year that changed! Yes I'm in my dress clothes after work on a Friday afternoon but you do what you've got to do!

I really wanted a rug but the 300 SAUM wasn't nice...

Luke loved it of course.