Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No Ducks In The Slough - Bonus Hog 1/18/13

We hunted the camp slough now that it has plenty of water but we only saw 14 wood ducks and they were cruising the creek and didn't drop in the hole.

I spent some time clearing roads and checking cameras and filling feeders.

I did sneak up (they snuck up on me) on 7 pigs and around 20 piglets (see game camera pics in a previous post).  I burned through all six cartridges in my Ruger 357 mag!  First two dropped this one then I was just slingin lead.  The 10 round mag in my Glock would not have even got me started so here's my reason for large capacity mags!

Time to Kill

I took an afternoon to check feeders and clean up the cart.  I had also ripped a ground cable loose from driving over all the trees down on the roads.  Easy fix.  Get dad under the cart, clip the wire, install new connector and have him bolt in back in and zip tie back up!

The hogs are really hitting the feeders now that it has been cold and we've had several hard freezes.  They even broke through one of my deer feeder fences to get to corn!

This is a problem!!!

Feeding time.

We also had time to start a fire to roast weenies for the kids but the wind got up and it almost torched the pasture!  Thankfully mom saw it get out of the fire pit and I probably looked like a world champion calf roper (maybe a little slower) running to get the hose, attach it to the spigot, add another hose and get water on it!


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Last Deer Weekend

I had pigs under my stand 10 minutes after I sat down.  Let them walk hoping the deer would be moving too.  It didn't work out that way.

I hunted the dove field in the morning and saw you guessed it, nothing but dove...

Never saw a deer but Barry put this nice boar down!

 The fog was too thick to see 50 yards until around 8:30 the last morning of regular season.

Beaver Pond Scouting Hunt 1/2/13

Jared and I sat in the BP blind with no action.  We only saw 7 ducks and only 2 were anywhere near us but neither came in.  The Remington did get pooped on...which pretty much sums up duck hunting around here so far this year!

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year's Eve Deer Hunt

Sat in the Ridge box with no results.  Troy sat in the Buzzard Roost and saw one doe for 2 seconds crossing the road.

I also sat over the BP one evening to scout for ducks and see if any deer would be in the field.  No deer and                 
5 hooded mergansers.

Snow Days 12727/12

I got out and took a few pics of the snow before it had a chance to melt after a couple days.  This is what was left of our white Christmas!