Sunday, November 13, 2011

Duck Blind

Building some duck blinds since there is no water.  Maybe very late in the season or at least next season we will be able to hunt out of them.  Can deer hunt out of them until then!

Still need to finish this one out and brush it in but looking good.  Using old wood from a barn we tore down last year.

Also took a few minutes to replace this broken throttle cable on the green machine.


No shooter deer but I did stick another pig.

Acorns starting to rain down from the trees.


Filling feeders and doing some late scouting.

Duck marsh still bone dry.  I should be standing in about 4 ft of water here!

Dry wood duck hole

Found a nice rub while checking out the duck holes.  I put up a couple cameras and found the buck that probably made it.  Needless to say I've hung a couple extra stands to try to catch him slipping by.