Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meat In The Pot

A buddy and I went out to cull the herd and put some meat in the pot.  Mission accomplished!
 For my Wisconsin friends!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Panhandle Ducks

My brother was hunting in the Panhandle and killed a few birds.

Another shanked hog

Another porker in the creek.  Tracked him with a buddy for about 75 yards and lost blood.  Marked it and came back in the AM to find him in the creek 30 yards from where we lost the track.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One Limit

Buddy of mine and a limit of ducks from our place in Gilmer.

Jake's First Deer Hunt

Took Jake to Wimberley since Gina was sick and both our babysitters weren't available. I really went up to hang out and do some cooking for the other guys up that weekend but we did end up sitting in a blind Saturday evening. I was sure to take the DVD player and every book and toy that was in my truck. Jake sat from 4:15 to dark and was really good. We even had a nice 8 point within 50 yards. Our blind was large, insulated, and had sliding double pane windows so we could have a party in there without the deer knowing!  Dave finally killed this free range fallow and Todd killed a spike to help out the ranch.