Thursday, May 21, 2009


I named this post "Scouting" because I find myself doing a ton of research to find and gather information how to accomplish this idea of blogging. So far, it's been the Internet surfing equivalent to looking at topos, walking and glassing fields and bottoms, checking game cameras, following rub lines, checking the weather, and making phone calls to find out where the fish are biting or what areas the deer, ducks, dove, or turkey are using. Not unlike many nights before opening day of any hunting season or a fishing trip, I find myself staying up late making final preparations over and over again since sleep is the last thing on my mind. But tomorrow brings no opening day, or fishing trip since we are now into the post-spawn. Interesting, considering I live in The Great State of Texas where we can hunt and fish virtually year-round. That, and its also a Friday so I'll be in my office taking care of my clients. I do have a "real" career running my own independent financial planning firm. My outfitting service is a hobby, fun, and probably helps keep me sane! That being said, its now very early Friday morning and time to check some financial markets then get horizontal for a few hours.